Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child need speech therapy?
This is a common question for parents, which is why we offer a free 15-minute consultation. This provides you with the opportunity to speak with a licensed speech-language pathologist to address your initial questions and concerns.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with regards to your child’s speech and language. The earlier intervention is provided, the better the outcome.
What does speech therapy look like?
Each therapy session is individualized for your child specifically; taking into consideration your goals for your child, your child’s IEP goals, your child’s diagnosis, and specific interests.
All therapy plans are based on evidence based treatment techniques - which means we read the research articles and develop a therapy plan that is not just individualized for your child, but also researched and proven to be effective therapy.
What does AAC do?
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) provides children with severe expressive language and speech impairments other modalities of communication. Research has shown that access to AAC devices while children are continuing to address speech and other language difficulties, allow for development of language that otherwise would be extremely difficult to produce verbally. It has been demonstrated that utilizing AAC in conjunction with other therapeutic intervention promotes increased communication and language growth.
Have more questions about AAC? Give us a call and we’d be happy to discuss.
How does payment work?
Collaborative Communication is a private pay company, which means that we do not accept health insurance. We currently accept cash, check, or credit card. However, we are able to provide you with the necessary information so that you can submit a claim to your insurance company.
Please contact us with information regarding payment and pricing.
Where are you located?
We currently provide in-home treatment throughout the greater Philadelphia area. Travel fees may apply and are at the discretion of the treating clinician based on mileage.
What precautions are your taking during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Our therapists are following the CDC guidelines for Direct Service Providers in order to provide our clients access to in-home therapy, while also remaining as safe as possible during these unprecedented times. At this time, all therapists are vaccinated against COVID-19 and precautions include:
Temperature screening before in-home sessions
Hand-washing before and after in-home sessions
Frequent sanitizing and disinfecting during sessions
Wearing masks during session****
Sessions will be cancelled for a period of 14 days if a therapist, client/child, and/or live-in family member has been exposed to, suspected of, and/or confirmed to have COVID-19. If a therapist, client/child, and/or live-in family member has a fever of 100.1 degrees or higher, and/or has been diagnosed with a non-COVID related illness, sessions will be cancelled for a period of 72 hours fever/symptom free.
****Collaborative Communication, LLC understands and respects that wearing masks may be difficult for our clients with sensory, cognitive, or behavioral issues. We also recognize that wearing masks often impedes access to the speech signal, making everyone’s job (our SLPs and our learners) a little trickier! Therefore, we understand and respect a child’s decision not to wear a mask in their home during speech therapy sessions. Our speech language pathologists will be wearing masks and/or face shields that allow clients to see our face and lips.
Do you provide tele-therapy?
Yes! We have tele-therapy capabilities to fit your preference of treatment location.